7 Eligibility Tests to Access NDIS

7 Eligibility Tests to Access NDIS

IAre you or do you know an Australian with any form of disability? Have you noticed some forms of developmental issues with your child? These developmental issues could be behavioural or social development. Whichever it is, it means that there is a need for support during their developmental phase and the Australian government has adequate services in place to cater to this need.

This service is the NDIS and this article will touch on the eligibility tests that qualify an Australian for the intervention of the NDIS.

The NDIS stands for National Disability Insurance Scheme, and it is a program set up by the Australian government to provide funds associated with disability for Australians. To qualify for the NDIS funds, you need to meet the following eligibility clauses. These eligibility clauses are drafted as questions, so your answers to them determine your eligibility.

What is your age?

The NDIS program caters to the needs of disabled people that fall between the ages of 7 and 65. This means that if the disabled person falls outside this age bracket, they may not be able to access the NDIS support.

Disabled children below 7 years can get the early childhood approach support while adults above the 65 years mark can opt for other support agencies apart from NDIS.

Are you an Australian?

You are only qualified for accessing the NDIS budget if you are an Australian. People with a permanent residence permit or Special Protected Visa holders may be able to access other supports.

Do you live in Australia?

It is not enough that you are an Australian, you also need to reside in Australia before you can access the service. If you don't, you might be able to access other support.

What is the cause of your disability?

You are only qualified for the NDIS funds if your disability is caused by a permanent impairment. This impairment could be sensory, physical, cognitive, or even psychosocial.

Do you need disability-specific support to go about your daily life?

If the condition requires you to use supports that are specific to your disability, you qualify for the NDIS funds. However, if your answer to this question is No, check out the next test.

Will the use of support now reduce your future need for support?

You qualify for the NDIS support if the support provided to you now helps to reduce your reliance or need for support in the future. However, if your answer to this question is No, check out the next question.

Will the support provided now help your family build the needed skills to support you later in the future?

If the answer to this question is yes, then you qualify for the NDIS. However, if your answer up to this point is No, it is clear that the NDIS cannot be of help to you. This means that you need to meet up with a local area coordinator to introduce you to other government agencies that are well suited to your needs.


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